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you can never heal unless you know your true place in the universe

Disease is a reflection in the body, of the conflict between the soul and the mind. Turning to the physical world alone for a solution is not enough, but spiritual and emotional misunderstandings regarding existence must be simultaneously addressed.

A cure for a disease is a search outside of yourself (hunting for the right doctor or the right medicine etc.). On the other hand, healing is an internal process, involving release from emotional traumas, resolving spiritual misunderstandings and expelling dark energies (and so on so forth) which are the origins of most diseases. Both processes are required to get well. Since healing deals with invisible or spiritual issues, its diagnostic tools are also very different.

chakra reading

Chakras are subtle energy vortexes in the body. A chakra reading makes clear the hidden conflicts between the mind and the soul, which eventually manifest as diseases. Chakras also tell us about how you relate to life and the universe. This is the most important hidden information required for a correct diagnosis of your situation. Detailed energetic readings of the major organs (which are themselves a layer of your emotional programming) further help in determining the root causes of individual disorders. Finally identifying the knots (points of emotional trauma along your timeline) completes the initial subtle/spiritual diagnosis of your condition.

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healing sessions

The ideal tempo is three sessions/week

This is the part where we start the individual healing journey. The healing sessions and their exact nature is determined by the chakra, organ and knots readings.  Individual counseling, dietary changes and even yoga may be required to begin the healing process. Each case is highly individualistic and these sessions are tailored to the particular case.

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how to begin

The healing process does not have a fixed structure which needs to be followed, however below is the rough outline for the various steps generally required (at least in the beginning)

Step 1 involves the following diagnosis:

To enable the above, please submit front and back, full length photographs fulfilling the following requirements:

Since you will not be present physically for the above readings, your photos will work as your proxies. When you submit the photographs, please also give me permission to remotely connect with your body, only for the purpose of healing. 

Also include your full name, age, gender, location, phone number (WhatsApp) and whether you are right-handed or left-handed.

No online sessions are required for this part of the diagnosis.

Fee: USD 109 for the above (all three), to be paid in advance, when submitting the photos

Step 2 involves the following:

Online sessions to share the diagnosis from the above readings.

Fee: the general fee for all subsequent online sessions is USD 55/session (up to 45 minutes/session) 

The ideal tempo is three sessions/week  

Step 3 involves the following:

Online sessions to gather the following information:

Step 4 involves the following:

Online sessions to start the healing process:

*Fee: the fee for releasing a knot is USD 73/knot

Step 5 involves the following:

Subsequent online sessions might be required to gauge and monitor your healing progress and address new issues as they arise.

Periodically, additional chakra and internal organ readings will be required to assess progress. The fee per reading is USD 55/reading. This will be done outside regular sessions.

The ideal tempo is three sessions/week  

Fee: the general fee for all subsequent online sessions is USD 55/session (up to 45 minutes/session) 


Access our playlist of videos explaining the fundamentals for healing and wellness. 


Healing even one person (even a little bit) is a matter of great joy as it affects all of existence positively and as a consequence, we all heal a little bit more. Here are some healing testimonials from my clients.